
The National Breast Cancer Marathon is very excited to announce they are joining forces with Jeff Galloway and the team at The Extra Mile Podcast to bring you: The Extra Mile Podcast to Finish
Breast Cancer !!

If you are currently entered in the 26.2 with Donna, or are even considering it, you may be looking for answers to many questions.

  • What’s the course like?
  • What is the typical race day weather?
  • Where should I stay?
  • How can I help Donna raise money for this great cause?
  • How can I use the Galloway RUN/WALK/RUN training method to finish this 26.2 mile block party with a smile on my face?
  • What are Galloway Pace Groups?
  • And on and on…..

The Extra Mile Podcast to Finish Breast Cancer will be YOUR virtual community to ask those questions and more, and get the answers RIGHT FROM THE SOURCE!!

Don’t train for this race alone! Take us along on your training runs and learn everything you need to know about the 26.2 with Donna at the same time! Become part of this exclusive and special community.